We are ReferABuyer
ReferABuyer helps consumers and sellers to connect. We are a small group of entrepreneurs and visionaries who make it easier for consumers to find what they are looking for on eBay. Our team is diverse. We have degrees ranging from computer engineering to business to religion. Collectively, we have written millions of lines of code, built a multimillion dollar eBay Power Seller from the ground up, and taught inner city kids to read.
At ReferABuyer, we work really hard and are very proud of the results we achieve. In the last 12 months, our AutomaticSeller software helped 20,000 people find more than 1,000,000 items they wanted on eBay.
Interested in working with us? We are always looking for talented Python and Go web applications developers. If you think you have what it takes, send your resume to hiring@referabuyer.com today.